Wednesday 25 August 2021

Vocabulary on health.

 Vocabulary on health.

balanced diet: eating a sensible mix of different foods

conscientious about my health: watching and caring about your heath

flavoursome and appealing: good to eat and looking attractive

convenient take away: food which you can eat at home

healthier eating habits: eating less sugar or salt

productive at work: achieving more, better results

processed meat: meat in which there are additives or chemicals

function successfully: to work, perform in a great way

tempted by diets: interested in other ways of eating

adopted a vegan diet: a vegan does not eat meat, or dairy foods

broad minded: open to other ideas

Sceptical: not believing something

over production of meat: factories or agricultural methods which are focused on this

Public service education message: advice from the government

Positive reinforcement: rewarding people for doing the right thing

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