Wednesday 25 August 2021

Vocabulary on hobbies.

Vocabulary on hobbies. 

  • Curl up with a book: to get comfortable and read.
  • Thrillers or action books: exciting and full of events
  • A strong plotline: good story which keeps moving
  • Cover to cover: from start to finish
  • Rom-com movie: a romantic comedy film
  • Adapted from fiction: a film which was first a book
  • Strong characterisation: the main people are well rounded and believable
  • Recommended to me by a friend: someone suggested that I read it
  • Black humour: funny but rather dark or mysterious as well
  • Genre: the type of film. E.g. horror or comedy
  • Commercial blockbusters: films made for the mass market to generate a lot of income
  • A sea change in something: a fundamental shift
  • Online streaming: watching via the internet
  • To commission a film: to ask for one to be made
  • A valid perspective: a real view / outlook/insight to something
  • Cultural heritage: the background and history of a country
  • Useful adjectives to describe books, film and art
  • Provocative
  • Enchanting
  • Haunting
  • Captivating
  • Compelling
  • Surprisingly comprehensible

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