Wednesday 25 August 2021

Vocabulary on work or career.

Vocabulary on work or career.

  • Important field.
  • Motivated about
  • internship
  • apprenticeship
  • hands on
  • valuable work experience
  • innovative small companies
  • cutting edge
  • A field (of work): an area or type of career
  • Motivated about: wanting to do well in
  • Internship: working for a short time, sometimes unpaid
  • Apprenticeship: hands on, or practical work to learn a job
  • Hands on: getting involved and doing everything to help
  • Innovative small companies: with new, creative ideas
  • Cutting edge: the best new technology
  • Diagnose: to find out what is wrong
  • Pediatrics: specialist child medicine (also spelled paediatrics)
  • Routine checkups: a regular  (not urgent) visit to the doctors
  • Huge appreciation: gratefulness and gratitude
  • Follow up care: an appointment after an operation or illness
  • Lucrative: money making or profitable
  • Highly merited: well, deserved
  • Career ladder: moving up through promotions to the top of the company
  • Pension scheme: money for retirement
  • Job security: knowing you can keep your job / job safety
  • Startup community: new small businesses sometimes internet based

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