Monday 14 February 2022


 21 Nov 2020 India


– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?

– Where are you from?

– Do you work or study?

– What subject are you studying?

– Let’s talk about numbers.

– Can you memorize phone numbers easily?

– Did you like studying math at school?

– Why is that?

– Are numbers important for your current studies?

– Why or why not?

Cue Card

Talk about a teacher that influenced you in high school. Please say

– Describe him/her.

– When and where was it?

– How did he/she influence you?


– What are the main skills needed to be a good learner?

– Do you think it’s easier to study when you are young?

– in your opinion, is it more efficient to study in class or by yourself?

21 Nov 2020 India

. Interview

– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?

– Where are you from?

– Do you work or study?

– What do you do?

– Do you enjoy your job?

– Do you prefer to work in the morning or in the afternoon?

– Do you like to watch movies?

– What genre of films do you like?

– Do you like to watch comedies?

– When did you watch a good comedy?

– Do you think you and your friends will laugh at the same things?

Cue Card

Describe a sports or work team where you participate. Please say

– What is it?

– When and why did you join it?

– Can you give a brief description of the team members?


– Explain why you were chosen to be part of this team.

– What is the importance of international teamwork?

– Can you give examples of teamwork among children?

14 Nov 2020 US

. Interview

– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?

– Where are you from?

– Do you work or study?

– What do you do?

– Where do you live now?

– What do you do for entertainment there?

– What music do you listen to?

– Do you like to listen to music alone or with friends?

– Do you wear jeans?

– What is your opinion about people who wear jeans?

– Why do you think so?

Cue Card

Talk about a recent celebration that you were invited to. Please say

– What were you celebrating?

– Who did you celebrate it with?

– Why did you celebrate it?


– Let’s talk about convocations.

– What are the main reasons for them?

– Did you take part in any graduations?

– How is the naming ceremony celebrated?

– Explain about church marriages in your country.

14 Nov 2020 US


– What is your full name?

– Can I see your ID?

– Where are you from?

– Do you work or study?

– What do you do?

– Do you like your job?

– Where do you live now?

– Describe your hometown.

– What don’t you like about it?

– Why is that?

Cue Card

Describe an interesting person that you have met. Please say

– Who is he/she?

– Where and when did you meet?

– Explain why he/she was interesting.


– What topics do men and women usually discuss together?

– Would you like to change the colour of your hair? Why?

– Why do most people lack confidence when doing public presentations?

14 Nov 2020 US

Cue Card

Describe one of your family members you spend the most time with

You should say:

– Who it is

– What you do together

– And explain why you spend the most time with this member of your family


– How many generations usually live together in your country?

– Is it important to visit family members?

– What are the values of family in your country?

– Why is family bonding necessary for happiness in life?

– Do you think the support from a friend is different from the support of a family member?

– Who should be more responsible for educating the children in a family?

– Do you think there are differences between the way men and women care for children?

– Do your parents do household chores equally?

7 Nov 2020 UAE

Cue Card

Describe an important journey that was delayed.

You should say:

– Why it was important

– What caused the delay

– What happened at the end

– And explain how you felt about the delay


– How easy is it to travel around your country?

– Which method of travel do you consider the safest?

– Has travel become safer in recent years?

– What do you think people can learn by travelling to other countries?

– What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?

– How do you think people will travel in the future?

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Speaking test Part 1 (Interview)  What is your full name?  Do you work or study?  Where do you live?  Why do you like the area wh...