Monday 13 June 2022


 Set 1 2021-07-02:  Delhi


  • Where are you living now?
  • Is it a good area to live in?
  • What do you like most about where you live?
  • What is the neighborhood like where you live?
  • Do you have any friends there?
  • What can be improved in the area that you live?
  • Do you know any famous people in the area that you live in?
  • Do you intend to stay in this area in the future?


Describe a singer that you like.

You should say:

  • who this person is
  • what type of songs does this person sings
  • what type of people like to listen to his/her songs
  • and explain why you like the singer.

Part 3

  • Is music important to people your age in your country?
  • How important is music for young people nowadays?
  • What do you think about music education in your country?
  • Do you think it is true that anyone can sing with the right training? Why?
  • Is music from your country popular elsewhere?
  • What do you think about the illegal downloading of music?

Set 2 2021-07-02:

Part 1

  • Do you like your primary school?
  • How do you think about your primary school?
  • What did you like to do the most when you were in primary school?
  • How did you go to your primary school?
  • What did you do in your leisure time in your primary school?


Describe a lazy person you know.

You should say:

  • who the person is
  • how well you know him
  • what makes this person lazy
  • what the person should do to improve.


  • Is it possible to be born lazy?
  • Does anyone choose to be lazy? Why or why not?
  • What do you say about lazy people?
  • What is the best way to know a lazy person?
  • What is the difference between being lazy and not wanting to do something?
  • How do you make a lazy person work?

Set 3 2021-07-02: Part 1

  • What would you do to relax?
  • Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?
  • Do you think vacation is a good time for you to relax?
  • Do you think students need more relaxing time?


Q. Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try.

You should say:

  • what it is
  • what you need to prepare
  • how easy or difficult it is
  • and explain why you want to try it.


  • How do people travel long distances for work in your country?
  • Why do some people go abroad to work?
  • Who prefers traveling abroad, the young or the old?
  • Why is traveling abroad important for young people?
  • Which is the better way of knowing more about a country, traveling, or reading books about it?
  • How much time do you think people should spend on a trip abroad?
  • What other reasons do people have to travel abroad?

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Speaking test Part 1 (Interview)  What is your full name?  Do you work or study?  Where do you live?  Why do you like the area wh...