Wednesday 25 August 2021

Vocabulary on family and friends.

 Vocabulary on family and friends.

  • A lifelong friend – A friend that you have had for most of your life
  • A relationship of trust – a connection with another in which you have faith and confidence
  • Arrange a dinner date – Plan to share an evening meal
  • A shoulder to cry on – Someone to sympathize with you
  • Close-knit family – A close family with common interests
  • Dear to my heart – Someone that I care about
  • Distant cousins – People who share a common ancestor but are not closely related
  • Extend the hand of friendship – Reach out to someone in a friendly manner
  • Extended family – Uncles, aunts and cousins form part of the extended family
  • Face to face – In person
  • Get to know one another – Learning different aspects of each other
  • Get together – Meet up
  • Immediate family – Spouse, parents, children, grandparents
  • Long lost friend – A friend that you have lost contact with
  • Long-term relationships – A committed relationship between partners
  • Nurture our friendships – Looking after our relationships with friends
  • Professional relationships – The relationships that we have in the workplace
  • Relationship problems – Difficulties with people with whom we interact regularly
  • Share a common background – The share a similar heritage or culture
  • Share the same ideas – To have similar opinions and views
  • Stand the test of time – To last a long time
  • Struck up a friendship – To make friends
  • To enjoy someone’s company – To enjoy spending time with someone
  • To have a good working relationship – To work together well
  • To have a lot in common – To have shared interests
  • To hit it off – To like each other straight away
  • To keep in touch with – To keep in contact
  • To lose touch with – To lose contact

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