Wednesday 25 August 2021

Vocabulary on modern technology

                                Vocabulary on Modern technology

  • Access to the Internet/cyberspace – Able to connect to the Internet
  • Advances in technology – Progressive forward movement in technology
  • Back up your files – To save your data to another device
  • Become rapidly obsolete – Quickly become out of date
  • Computer literate – Adequate knowledge of a computer
  • Control remotely – To control technology from a distance
  • Downloading from the Internet – Take data off one computer to another via the Internet
  • Electronic Funds Transfer – EFT Payment via the Internet
  • Emerging technology – Brand new machines and software
  • Glued to the screen – Unable or unwilling to leave the digital device
  • Hacking into the network – To gain illegal access to the computer
  • Internet access – The ability to enter the Internet
  • Internet of Things – A network connecting machines in a location so that they can be remotely controlled
  • Internet-enabled – Machines or appliances that have Internet access
  • Keep a hard copy – Keep a paper copy
  • Labour saving device – An appliance that saves work
  • Not rocket science – It is not very difficult
  • Online piracy – The downloading of licensed media without payment
  • Re-install the programs – To put computer programs back onto the computer
  • Shop online – Shop via the Internet
  • Shut down – Turn the computer off
  • Social media networks – Online platforms for communication between people and organisations
  • State of the art technology – The best technology available
  • Surfing the web – To move from one site to another on the Internet
  • To click on an icon – To use the mouse to click on the pictures to get into programs
  • To crash – To stop working suddenly
  • To Log in – To sign onto the computer
  • To upgrade your computer system – To get a larger, quicker or more modern computer
  • Wireless hotspots – A location where the Internet is available

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