Wednesday 25 August 2021

Vocabulary on fashion and shopping.

Vocabulary on fashion and shopping. 

  • Clothes horse: someone who really likes/loves to buy nice clothes
  • Well put together: describes someone who looks good and who has made effort to do so
  • Pick up: buy/ purchase
  • Bargain price: a discounted price
  • Be up on the latest trends: to be informed of what is fashionable
  • Social media feed: the updated list of new content available on various social media platforms
  • In fashion: fashionable
  • Replicate: to copy
  • Looks: appearance
  • Lower priced: inexpensive, cheap
  • A fraction of the cost: a small part of the total cost
  • A (great) eye for something: able to notice or make correct judgments about something
  • Clothes rack: rail where clothes are hung for display
  • Shoe display: place where shoes are shown
  • Level of attention: the amount of attention someone pays to something
  • Luxury goods: things/objects that are very expensive/costly to buy but are not considered necessities
  • High-end designers: people who design products sold at very high prices
  • Out of my price range: describes something that is too expensive for someone to buy
  • Incomparable: cannot be compared because it is so good
  • Over the top: extreme, excessive, exaggerated
  • Avant-garde: describes music, art, etc, that are unconventional or experimental
  • Ambience: the atmosphere of a location
  • Unparalleled: exceptional; in a category of its own because of its excellence
  • Customer service: the assistance given to customers of a product or service
  • Top-notch: high quality
  • Blow money on something: spend large amounts of money
  • “it” item: something very fashionable
  • Place pressure on: to try to influence or persuade
  • Stay current: to be up to date
  • Spoiled for choice: to have a lot of options available to you
  • High street: the main street where shops, banks and businesses are located.
  • Unfathomable: unimaginable
  • e-shops: stores that do business online
  • click of a button: on a computer or device, something that requires very little effort
  • at your doorstep: at your home or near where you live
  • superimposed: when something is placed over something else so that the image of both items is clear
  • frame: the size and shape of someone’s body
  • digital imagery: the collection of pixels on a screen that create an image
  • brick and mortar stores: a physical shop as opposed to an online shop
  • counterparts: someone who does the same job as someone else somewhere else

Vocabulary on the advertisement.

Vocabulary on the advertisement. 

Commercials: an advert on tv or radio

Imagery: visual images

Tantalizing: something that creates desire and excitement

Live up to its hype: when something is as good as you expected it to be

Product placement: a practice in movies or tv shows when a product or its brand name appear on screen visibly in order to gain exposure

Celebrity endorsement: when a famous person advertises a product by saying he or she uses it

Grating: describes sounds that are annoying

Inclined to purchase: likely to buy

Potential customers: people who might possibly buy your product

Turn someone off: to make someone uninterested in something

Pop-ups: advertisements that suddenly appear on a computer or device screen.

Subconscious: the part of the brain that sees, hears or remembers things that you do not actively remember

Subliminal: describes something that can influence the subconscious mind without the conscious mind realizing it

Billboards: a large outdoor board, usually alongside large roads, used to display an ad

Flyer: a small paper advertising a product, business or event

Website traffic: the internet users who visit a website

Brand awareness: when customers recognize or remember a brand and its qualities

Jingle: music that accompanies commercials

Telemarketing: the marketing of good or services over the phone

Bombard: attack continuously

Buying power: the money someone has to buy things

Free-for-all: a situation with no rules, limits or restrictions

Impressionable: describes a person who is easily influenced

Vocabulary on social media.

Vocabulary on social media.

  • Viral: if a post/ video is viral or “has gone viral,” that means it is spreading very rapidly across the internet,
  • Troll: used as a verb and a noun. A troll is a person who purposely creates offensive or provocative posts or comments to arouse anger in other social media users.
  • Hater: a person who posts negative or critical comments about others
  • Vlogger: a person who regularly creates short videos to be posted online
  • Meme: a humorous image or text that is easily sent to others over the internet
  • Anonymity: The state of being anonymous, of people not knowing your identity
  • DM: direct message
  • Emoji: a small digital image used in social media/ emails/ text to display an emotion, object or idea
  • Badger: to bother someone repeatedly
  • Derogatory: offensive, hurtful, disrespectful
  • Censor: to keep certain images. Texts, etc from being displayed or published because it is offensive or immoral
  • Follow:  to subscribe to the page of a person or business on social media
  • Harass: to create a hostile situation through written or verbal communication
  • Catfishing: the act of creating a false internet profile in order to deceive or scam someone
  • Grooming: preparing someone (often a minor) over the internet in order to eventually commit a sexual offense
  • Influencer: a person who promotes a product online to his/her followers so that they may purchase it
  • Photoshop: software that allows users to digitally alter their images
  • Filters: preset photo enhancements that users can select to apply to their images or videos
  • Block: stopping or banning someone from interacting with you on social media or viewing your posts/ profile
  • Scam: a dishonest attempt to trick or cheat you

Vocabulary on the environment.

Vocabulary on the environment. 

The ravages of something: destruction of something

Hybrid car: a car that uses both petrol and electricity

Carbon footprint: how much carbon dioxide is released as a result of one’s activities

Recycle: breaking down products to create new products from the materials

Growing season: the time of the year when plants grow

Yields: amount of a crop produced

Crops: a plant grown in large amounts

Eco-conscious: describes someone who shows concern for the environment

Natural fertilizer: fertilizers that come from animal waste, animal matter or plant matter

Chemical fertilizer: fertilizers that are made from synthetic materials

Contaminate: to make something impure, poisonous or polluted

Groundwater: water that is below the earth’s surface

Vegetable scraps: bits of vegetables that are discarded

Non-chemical compost: decaying matter such as food, leaves or manure used to fertilize soil

Organic: describes something that does not use chemical fertilizers

Commute: travel to and from work

Solar panels: panels that collect rays from the sun to be used as energy for electricity or heating

Household cleaning products: products that are used to clean one’s home

Time-consuming: describes something that takes a lot of time

Environmentally conscious: when a person or business is aware of their effect on the environment and attempts to minimize this affect

Green lifestyle: a way of living that attempts to reduce usage of water & power, waste and toxic substances

Sustainable: describes something that causes minimal damage to the environment

Emulate: to copy someone’s behavior out of respect

Conventional products: products that have been in use for a long time

Energy saving: describe products designed to reduce use of electricity or other form of energy

Fuel emissions: gases that lead to air pollution through the burning of fuel

Electric cars: vehicles that run on electricity

Food miles: the distance food travels from the time it is produced until it reaches its end customer

Local food: food that is produced a short distance from where it is consumed

Fossil fuels: coal, gas or oil that is used in industry, homes and vehicles

Carbon monoxide: a dangerous gas produced from the partial burning of fuels

Dispose: throw away

Waterways: lakes, rivers, oceans and canals

Ecosystem: the geographic area where animals, plants and other organisms interact

Natural habitat: the area where a plant or animal normally lives

Tackle: to try to deal with a problem

Collective effort: when a group of people try to do something

Forge: to create something strong or successful

Vocabulary on hobbies.

Vocabulary on hobbies. 

  • Curl up with a book: to get comfortable and read.
  • Thrillers or action books: exciting and full of events
  • A strong plotline: good story which keeps moving
  • Cover to cover: from start to finish
  • Rom-com movie: a romantic comedy film
  • Adapted from fiction: a film which was first a book
  • Strong characterisation: the main people are well rounded and believable
  • Recommended to me by a friend: someone suggested that I read it
  • Black humour: funny but rather dark or mysterious as well
  • Genre: the type of film. E.g. horror or comedy
  • Commercial blockbusters: films made for the mass market to generate a lot of income
  • A sea change in something: a fundamental shift
  • Online streaming: watching via the internet
  • To commission a film: to ask for one to be made
  • A valid perspective: a real view / outlook/insight to something
  • Cultural heritage: the background and history of a country
  • Useful adjectives to describe books, film and art
  • Provocative
  • Enchanting
  • Haunting
  • Captivating
  • Compelling
  • Surprisingly comprehensible

Vocabulary on education.

Vocabulary on education.

  • Challenging: academically difficult
  • Day in, day out: full time without a break
  • Wide ranging: covering a large spectrum / area of different knowledge
  • Undergraduate: studying for a degree but having not yet achieved it.
  • Postgraduate: having achieved a degree and now studying for a higher qualification, possibly a professions qualification
  • STEM subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
  • Further education: studies after leaving school
  • Technical colleges: places which do not demand such high entrance qualifications as university
  • Vocational studies: focus on learning or mastering a skill
  • Hands on training: practical work/ learning
  • To apply for a course: the process of registering for a university
  • To get an (un)conditional offer: an offer which does not depend on previous exam results
  • Halls of residence / student accommodation: a particular place to live for students
  • Student union: an organisation for students / sometimes a physical place
  • A fresher / an undergraduate / a graduate: a new student, someone studying for a Bachelors degree, a student who has finished their Degree
  • A graduation ceremony: a formal occasion when Degrees are given out
  • To take a gap year: a year between study and university
  • To drop out of university: to leave before the course is finished
  • Out of my depth: finding work / study too hard
  • Seminar: smaller class of students with a Professor leading the discussion
  • Lecture theatre: large building for a talk / lecture
  • Extensive research: in depth work done in a particular academic field

Vocabulary on work or career.

Vocabulary on work or career.

  • Important field.
  • Motivated about
  • internship
  • apprenticeship
  • hands on
  • valuable work experience
  • innovative small companies
  • cutting edge
  • A field (of work): an area or type of career
  • Motivated about: wanting to do well in
  • Internship: working for a short time, sometimes unpaid
  • Apprenticeship: hands on, or practical work to learn a job
  • Hands on: getting involved and doing everything to help
  • Innovative small companies: with new, creative ideas
  • Cutting edge: the best new technology
  • Diagnose: to find out what is wrong
  • Pediatrics: specialist child medicine (also spelled paediatrics)
  • Routine checkups: a regular  (not urgent) visit to the doctors
  • Huge appreciation: gratefulness and gratitude
  • Follow up care: an appointment after an operation or illness
  • Lucrative: money making or profitable
  • Highly merited: well, deserved
  • Career ladder: moving up through promotions to the top of the company
  • Pension scheme: money for retirement
  • Job security: knowing you can keep your job / job safety
  • Startup community: new small businesses sometimes internet based

Vocabulary about school and education

                        Vocabulary about school and education.

  • authentic: real, true
  • old-school strict: traditional learning with punishments and controlling teachers
  • teacher-centered: where the teacher is leading the class
  • encourage collaboration: learning together through discussions
  • pressure to meet deadlines: having to finish work by a certain time/date
  • assignments: homework or essays
  • sail through them: not to have to work hard and to find things easy
  • learning expectations: what the teacher expects from their student
  • role plays: acting out a situation to simulate or practice it
  • dictation: writing down what the teacher says, accurately and fast.
  • breakthrough: a new development
  • inspiring: something which makes you want to do better
  • intonation: the ‘singing’ sound of speech
  • paid off: was worth the effort
  • outdated: old fashioned
  • league tables: tables which rank the position of schools according to  academic success
  • alumni: students who used to go to a certain school or college
  • boarding school: where students live at school during the term time
  • extra- curricular activities: anything NOT academic, e.g., sport, drama
  • peer group: students of your own age, in your class
  • remote: not being physically there / learning via computer

Vocabulary on health.

 Vocabulary on health.

balanced diet: eating a sensible mix of different foods

conscientious about my health: watching and caring about your heath

flavoursome and appealing: good to eat and looking attractive

convenient take away: food which you can eat at home

healthier eating habits: eating less sugar or salt

productive at work: achieving more, better results

processed meat: meat in which there are additives or chemicals

function successfully: to work, perform in a great way

tempted by diets: interested in other ways of eating

adopted a vegan diet: a vegan does not eat meat, or dairy foods

broad minded: open to other ideas

Sceptical: not believing something

over production of meat: factories or agricultural methods which are focused on this

Public service education message: advice from the government

Positive reinforcement: rewarding people for doing the right thing

Vocabulary on people, personalities and characters.

                  Vocabulary on people, personalities and characters.

1)     confident: in control

2)     awkward: uncomfortable

3)     underneath the surface, I am paddling like a swan: looking calm but not feeling it.

4)     put up a façade: to pretend to be something you are not

5)     a control freak: to want to do things yourself

6)     an eye for detail: making sure everything is perfect

7)     reliable and dependable: be trusted not to let someone down

8)     punctuality: being on time

9)     disrespectful: impolite

10)  a negative trait: bad characteristic

11)  parental way: behave like a mother or final

12)  interpersonal skills: be good at talking to others

13)  empathetic: understanding others emotions

14)  generous listener: take time to hear what others are saying

15)  to emulate: to be like

16)  considerate: kind and thoughtful

17)  insecure: shy and not confident

18)  moody: sometimes happy and sometimes sad/ cross

Vocabulary on the environment and pollution.

Vocabulary on the environment and pollution.

1)     outskirts of large towns: areas outside the city centre, suburbs or industrial district

2)     factory emissions: smoke and pollution from factories

3)     toxic fumes: smoke which is poisonous

4)     traffic jams: large queues of cars not moving

5)     pollutants in foods: dangerous chemicals

6)     pesticides: chemicals to keep bugs and animals away from plants

7)     chemical fertilizers: chemicals added to make soil stronger

8)     commute to work: drive or travel to work every day

9)     Mantra: frequently repeated statement

10)  reuse and recycle: use products again or find another purpose for them

11)  industrial waste is incinerated: waste that is burnt

12)  facilities for recycling: places where you can dispose of plastic / cardboard

13)  education program: teaching and learning in school or elsewhere

14)  consequences: the outcomes

15)  interspersed with (birds): mingled with, mixed with

16)  campaign: high profile policy for the public

17)  scientists predict: ideas for the future

18)  disintegrate: break down into small particles

19)  microplastics: very tiny pieces

20)  single-use applications: use once then throw out

21)  own-brand products: unique to the shop or supermarket

22)  policy should be rolled out: implemented all over the country

23)  documentaries: factual TV programmes

Vocabulary related to Corona Virus.

 Vocabulary related to Corona Virus.

      1) Coronavirus

       2)      Covid 19
3)      SARS
4)      Outbreak
5)      Epidemic
6)      Pandemic
7)      Droplets
8)      Masks
9)      Social distancing
10)   Quarantine
11)   Lockdown
12)   Shelter in place
13)   Asymptomatic
14)   Community spread
15)   Contact tracing
16)   Flatten the curve
17)   ICU
18)   Ventilators
19)   Vulnerable
20)  Immune-compromised
21)   High risk
22)   Vaccine
23)   Pre-clinical stage
24)   Phase 1
25)   Phase 2
26)   Phase 3

Vocabulary on modern technology

                                Vocabulary on Modern technology

  • Access to the Internet/cyberspace – Able to connect to the Internet
  • Advances in technology – Progressive forward movement in technology
  • Back up your files – To save your data to another device
  • Become rapidly obsolete – Quickly become out of date
  • Computer literate – Adequate knowledge of a computer
  • Control remotely – To control technology from a distance
  • Downloading from the Internet – Take data off one computer to another via the Internet
  • Electronic Funds Transfer – EFT Payment via the Internet
  • Emerging technology – Brand new machines and software
  • Glued to the screen – Unable or unwilling to leave the digital device
  • Hacking into the network – To gain illegal access to the computer
  • Internet access – The ability to enter the Internet
  • Internet of Things – A network connecting machines in a location so that they can be remotely controlled
  • Internet-enabled – Machines or appliances that have Internet access
  • Keep a hard copy – Keep a paper copy
  • Labour saving device – An appliance that saves work
  • Not rocket science – It is not very difficult
  • Online piracy – The downloading of licensed media without payment
  • Re-install the programs – To put computer programs back onto the computer
  • Shop online – Shop via the Internet
  • Shut down – Turn the computer off
  • Social media networks – Online platforms for communication between people and organisations
  • State of the art technology – The best technology available
  • Surfing the web – To move from one site to another on the Internet
  • To click on an icon – To use the mouse to click on the pictures to get into programs
  • To crash – To stop working suddenly
  • To Log in – To sign onto the computer
  • To upgrade your computer system – To get a larger, quicker or more modern computer
  • Wireless hotspots – A location where the Internet is available

Vocabulary on family and friends.

 Vocabulary on family and friends.

  • A lifelong friend – A friend that you have had for most of your life
  • A relationship of trust – a connection with another in which you have faith and confidence
  • Arrange a dinner date – Plan to share an evening meal
  • A shoulder to cry on – Someone to sympathize with you
  • Close-knit family – A close family with common interests
  • Dear to my heart – Someone that I care about
  • Distant cousins – People who share a common ancestor but are not closely related
  • Extend the hand of friendship – Reach out to someone in a friendly manner
  • Extended family – Uncles, aunts and cousins form part of the extended family
  • Face to face – In person
  • Get to know one another – Learning different aspects of each other
  • Get together – Meet up
  • Immediate family – Spouse, parents, children, grandparents
  • Long lost friend – A friend that you have lost contact with
  • Long-term relationships – A committed relationship between partners
  • Nurture our friendships – Looking after our relationships with friends
  • Professional relationships – The relationships that we have in the workplace
  • Relationship problems – Difficulties with people with whom we interact regularly
  • Share a common background – The share a similar heritage or culture
  • Share the same ideas – To have similar opinions and views
  • Stand the test of time – To last a long time
  • Struck up a friendship – To make friends
  • To enjoy someone’s company – To enjoy spending time with someone
  • To have a good working relationship – To work together well
  • To have a lot in common – To have shared interests
  • To hit it off – To like each other straight away
  • To keep in touch with – To keep in contact
  • To lose touch with – To lose contact

Vocabulary on food.

Vocabulary on Food:

  • A balanced diet – A diet that has the right amount of nutrients.
  • A bottle of bubbly – Sparkling wine
  • A decadent chocolate pudding – Luxurious or self-indulgent chocolate pudding
  • A doggy bag – The leftovers of a meal in a restaurant taken home
  • A scrumptious meal – A delicious meal (Skum-P-Shus)
  • A sweet tooth – An enjoyment of sweet food
  • An English breakfast – A large cooked breakfast that includes egg and bacon
  • Calm the hunger pangs – To reduce the discomfort caused by hunger
  • Candlelit dinner – A romantic dinner by candlelight
  • Covered in a rich sauce – Covered in a creamy gravy
  • Cut down on – To reduce consumption
  • Daily consumption – The amount that you eat everyday
  • Dying of hunger – Very hungry
  • Exotic meals – Meals that originate in other countries
  • Fine dining – Food catering to expensive tastes in a formal setting
  • Food preparation – Preparing food
  • Food production – Producing food
  • Fussy eater – Someone dislikes many foods
  • Home-cooked meals – Meals cooked at home
  • Homemade food – Food made at home
  • Junk food – Food with little nutritional value
  • Leafy vegetables – Vegetables such as spinach and cabbage
  • Mouth-watering meals – Delicious meals
  • Nutritious food – Food with many nutrients
  • Packed with vitamins – Full of vitamins
  • Piping hot cup of coffee – Very hot coffee
  • Pub lunch – Lunch served in a bar
  • Rabbit food – Salad vegetables
  • Ready meals – Heat and eat meals
  • Refined carbohydrates – Foods such as white rice, white bread
  • Savouring the food – Enjoying the food
  • Scrumptious meal – An exceptionally tasty meal
  • Seasonal fruits – Fruits that grow in season
  • Starving hungry – Extremely hungry
  • Wining and dining – Entertainment that includes good food

Vocabulary on travel.

  • 1. Affordable destinations – Places within a reasonable price range
  • 2. Affordable travel – Travel that is within your price range
  • 3. Around the world – In all corners of the globe
  • 4. Arts and culture – The art, music, and other cultural aspects of an area
  • 5. Craft markets – Stalls where goods made by the local people are sold
  • 6. Do as the locals do – Enjoy the activities as the local people do
  • 7. Efficient public transport – A functioning transport system intended for the use of residents and visitors
  • 8. Exotic destinations – Unusual or strange holiday destinations
  • 9. Get around – Get from place to place
  • 10. Guided tours – Walking, hiking, or driving visits led by a guide who knows the area
  • 11. Holiday brochures – Pamphlet advertising holiday destinations
  • 12. Holiday destination – A place to which you leave on holiday
  • 13. Long haul flights – Long-distance flights
  • 14. Lush rainforests – Luxuriant equatorial forests
  • 15. Magnificent landscapes – Impressive scenery
  • 16. Make advance reservations – Booking ahead of time
  • 17. Memorable experiences – Activities that you will remember for years
  • 18. Off the beaten track – A place that is not on the main thoroughfare
  • 19. Out of season – Outside the most popular holiday period
  • 20. Packaged deals – Travel deals that are put together by an agency and sold as a package
  • 21. Quaint villages – Old fashioned or charming small towns
  • 22. Scenic views – Lovely scenes
  • 23. Self-catering accommodation – A Place to stay where you see to your own food
  • 24. Spectacular beaches – Impressive sandy shorelines
  • 25. Stunning architecture – Magnificent buildings
  • 26. Swarming with tourists – Full of holidaymakers
  • 27. Time on their hands – Available time to do as you choose
  • 28. To get away from it all – To get away from everyday routines
  • 29. To go sightseeing ­– Take a trip around an area to see what it has to offer
  • 30. Travel abroad – Travel to overseas destinations
  • 31. Travelling light – Traveling with little luggage
  • 32. Value for money – A good return on investment
  • 33. Visa regulations – Laws that relate to entry into a country
  • 34. Wildlife safari – A guided tour through a game park

Tuesday 27 July 2021


Q. With access to the internet and social media websites, many children are exposed to a number of dangerous situations. Adults should thus limit access to the internet for their children.

Do you disagree?


Myriad youngsters are vulnerable to a lot of risky circumstances due to the worldwide web and social platforms exposure. Therefore, grown-ups ought to restrict their youngsters from the usage of social media sites. I completely agree with this statement because _______ and __________.


Q. Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth rather than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example to young people.

To What extent do you agree or disagree?


These days/ In the contemporary era/ Contemporarily, the accomplishments/ acquirements/ procurements of the movie stars/ film stars/ film icons have taken a lower stand compared to beauty/elegance and prosperity/ capital, portraying a negative/ wrong image to the youngsters. I completely agree with this statement because ............. and .......................


Q. People who buy friendly vehicles like electric cars should receive a subsidy on tax. This will discourage people from buying polluting cars and thus lower emissions.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement?


Citizens/ Individuals who consider environment-friendly automobiles like, battery-operated vehicles ought to receive benefits on taxation, which would demotivate individuals from purchasing the vehicles running on fossil fuels such as, petrol and diesel and thereby lowering the release of pollutants.


Q. Governments are often blamed for spending too much money on projects to protect wildlife while ignoring other problems. Some people believe that governments must prioritize the needs of their citizens above all else.

To what extent do you agree?


The executive of a nation is consistently considered responsible for excessive expenditure on schemes related to the conservation of flora and fauna while being ignorant to the other issues. It is believed by few that the governing authority must emphasize the requirements/necessity/demand of their people.


Q. The government has a responsibility to its citizens to ensure their safety. Thus it’s the governments’ responsibility to ban alcohol and tobacco as they are addictive substances and harmful.

How do you feel about this approach?


The executive of a nation has a duty to work for the welfare of the people so they should be liable to prohibit the use of liquor and tobacco products because of their negative impacts. I completely agree with the statement because ........................ and ...................................

Q. In many countries, obesity among children has drastically increased. Parents should be held responsible if their children are obese.

What are your views on the subject?


In several nations, the issue of overweight in kids has rocketed nowadays. Guardians should be answerable if their kids are getting plump/bulky. I strongly agree/disagree with the aforementioned statement because ............. and .................................

Sunday 2 May 2021

Q. Health care should not be provided for free regardless of a person’s income. The health of a person is in their own hands and they should, therefore, be held accountable for that. Do you agree with this statement?


Health care should not be provided for free regardless of a person’s income. The health of a person is in their own hands and they should, therefore, be held accountable for that.
Do you agree with this statement?


Medical assistance need not be conferred free of charge/cost-free irrespective of/ignoring the economic condition/financial status of an individual as they are themselves amenable to their physical and mental condition/fitness, and I completely agree with this statement because nowadays people have started following the sedentary lifestyle (motion free) and consuming western fast-foods.


Health care- Medical assistance,

Provided- Offered, conferred, bestowed, proferred, granted

free- free of cost, free of charge, at no cost, cost-free

Regardless of - irrespective of / ignoring, setting aside, without heed of, in defiance of

Person's income- financial/economic condition of a person/individual

Responsible- Answerable, accountable, amenable, liable

Saturday 1 May 2021

Exercise 4. The number of people suffering from health problems caused by a modern lifestyle which cannot be treated with modern medicines. Some people believe that alternative medicine can help.

Do you agree that alternative medicines are effective?


The majority of the people face various diseases that have arisen due to unhealthy and careless/reckless/western lifestyle which are considered incurable with allopathic medicines/western medicines/western medications/western drugs, and according to some, ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines can be the effective option/efficacious. I completely agree with the statement because medicines/drugs used these days do not work on the root cause of the diseases, and it also causes/leads to many side effects which affect the health of a person negatively. 

QThe reason that most people are in debt is the overuse as well as irresponsible use of credit cards. Banks ought to do a background check and only issue credit cards to individuals who have the ability to pay back their debts.

What is your opinion?


Owing to the careless/reckless use of credit cards, individuals are in loans, and I believe that financial institutions should check the financial/background/credit/cibil history of a person before approving credit cards to the customers who have the capability to pay the outstanding bills. This is so because analysing the background makes it clear that .

Speaking test Part 1 (Interview)  What is your full name?  Do you work or study?  Where do you live?  Why do you like the area wh...